In this update i will present you 12 fine and typical mineral specimen like Quartz, Fluorite, Epidote, Azurite, Strontianite.….. from my homeland. It contains some classic locations like Weisseck, Knappenwand, Rauris, Oberdorf but also rare one like Harterbachgraben and more…
FLUORITE SOLD! no.16-01-01
Weisseck, Lungau Salzburg, Austria
Size: 9.5 x 7.1 x 4.5 cm
This fine specimen consists of several intergrown cubes of Fluorite, with stepped faces. The colour is dark violet with a purple shine. The surface shows a very good quality and is not etched. The backside was on rock and shows also green fluorite, there are contacts only on the sides. It is out of the summit cleft in 2700m above sea level. Details on the video.
Magnesite deposit, Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria
Size: 4.4 x 3.0 x 3.1 cm
I am a big fan of strontianite from this famous location – the best in the world for strontianite. This one is out of an old collection an is really very esthetic in great quality. The crystal (size ~2.0cm) shows many stepped faces and a very good colour. The matrix is dolomit and the base was on rock. The main crystal shows no appreciable contacts. Details on the video.
RUTILE, Albite € 72,- no.16-01-03
Kampriese alp, Obersulzbach valley, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 8.1 x 6.2 x 4.5 cm
The location Kampriese is well known for exceptional rutile. This one shows a albite rich matrix with nests of thousand of golden rutile. Some chlorite is also present. Details on the video.
TITANITE ( Sphene), Tourmaline SOLD! no.16-01-04
Erlbachalm, Felber valley, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 4.0 x 3.6 x 1.1 cm
A very unusual on!! The base was on rock, all other sides are crystallized. The colour of the titanite is green and on the front side half of the crystal is covered with black tourmaline. The surface is rough and shows only small chipping. This one was bought in Munich from A. Steiner. Details on the video.
QUARTZ (Scepter) SOLD! no.16-01-05
Grasleiten, Sondergrund, Zillertal, Tyrol, Austria
Size: 6.1 x 4.3 x 3.5 cm
A nearly forgotten location the specially have shown fine quartz scepters. This one is out of an old collection and some years it was part of my private collection. A needle quartz hedgehog and some quartz shows scepters in a very good quality. Contacts are present around the specimen. Details on the video.
AZURITE, Calcite, Malachite SOLD! no.16-01-06
Brixlegg, Kufstein, Tyrol, Austria
Size: 8.1 x 4.5 x 4.1 cm
A showy Austrian combination of intensive blue azurite bowls on dolomite with scalenohedral glassy calcite and malachite. Specimen is not free of contacts. Details on the video.
ALBITE (Var: Pericline), Quartz SOLD! no.16-01-07
Grieswies, Rauris valley, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 10.1 x 6.1 x5.5 cm
Pericline crystals with lustrous faces up to 5 cm! in paragensis with 2 bigger quartz and some smaller crystals. The quartz is not free of contacts, the pericline is nearly undamaged and grown as a floater. Details on the video.
QUARTZ (Var: Smokey Quartz) SOLD! no.16-01-08
Hadersdorf, Kindberg, Styria, Austria
Size: 10.0 x 5.1 x 3.9 cm
Very special-very rare!!!! Year 1992 – a small fund of smokey quartz but most crystals were damaged and smaller than 3cm. Only a „handful“ good and big crystals came out of this cleft. Here is one in great luster and quality for the location. The size is also very good. The top is not perfect. Backside is rehealed and some matrix is also present. Under the microscope i found some minerals of…? The location is also known as „Hartergraben“ or „Lambachgraben“ Details on the video.
PYRITE SOLD! no.16-01-09
Rhomberg quarry, Hohenems, Vorarlberg, Austria
Size: 10.3 x 7.3 x 3.2 cm
Excellent, walnut-shaped pyrite from the Rhomberg Quarry in Austria. The pyrite is a sphere with 3 cm, and it has a rich golden, metallic surface that is uneven just like the surface of a walnut. Aesthetically, it sits beautifully on top of the dense grey shale. Details on the video.
EPIDOTE € 154,- SOLD! no.16-01-10
Knappenwand, Untersulzbach valley, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 7.0 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm
Material from world´s best locality for epidote is very hard to obtain. Here i can offer you a fine crystal for a special price becaus it is repaired once in the middle. The crystal shows very good luster and a dark olive green colour. The top is endfaced. It is out of the collection from a well known austrian collector. Details on the video.
FLUORITE SOLD! no.16-01-11
Rieding lake, Weisseck, Lungau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 14.3 x 6.5 x 5.0 cm
Out of my private collection! Pastel green intergrown cubes to 1.2 cm along the edges on limestone matrix. The crystals show a very good surface and luster – often the crystals are dull – not here!! As you can see on the video the specimen is nearly grown as a floater and crystallized all over. There is only a small area on the right side that was on rock. Some crystals show contacts but all in all in a very good condition. Details on the video.
WULFENITE, Galena € 128,- no.16-01-12
Bad Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria
Size: 20.2 x 13.5 x 6.7 cm
One of Austrias TOP locations and type locality for wulfenite! Please not that this one is a very big one with galena matrix – so it is also very heavy! Such big specimen are rare specially if the wulfenite is grown on galena. The crystals show a good luster and orange colour and some crystals are damaged. Details on the video.